Tuesday 15 June 2010

O2 advertisement campaign

This poster shows how the world is much better with all the different connections made through every aspect of life on earth. I wanted to show the diffrent types of connections we encounter in life either with ourselves or within other species.
some of the connections I have illustrated include the connections in business between clients, from language and communication of animals & humans to the connection in a marriage between man and wife, the connections with mother, father and child to the connection a person gets through prayer with God. Connection through music, singing, dancing, helping others and even the connection of land and water.

Future Earth

Gu-guyz and Gu-galz

Decided to characterize some guavas when I was doing a project using fruits. very simple but you can get some interesting looking characters.

Fashion Font design

Freddy & the Fairy book illustrations

BTEC course book cover designs

Characteristics postcard

PJ's smoothies advertisement project

The brief for this project was to make the PJ's smoothie drinks brand exciting and trendy, aimed at a 16-24year old audience. I went down the route of using the healthy fruits which the drinks contain to promote the goodness of the product and how they contain 2 of your recommended 5-a-day fruits in order to give you a boost of energy.
The slogan I used was " a bottle-full of body fuel" to play on the idea of how the drink acts like a booster to energise the body. The imagery illustrates this through the way the juice bursts out of the bottle into energy-filled characters.
I thought this idea would appeal to sporty people and students within the target audience who need something refreshing as well as healthy. I also created the font of the logo in a similar style to fit in with the overall brand.

This is the first poster design I came up with. it shows 3 different flavours represented by the coloured characters for each drink.

I applied each final design to various platforms used as advertising including billboards, bus sides and bus-stops. This gives me an idea of how the final product would look in the final stages of an advertisement campaign.

I also created slogans and typography designs to be used on t-shirts in order for the drinks to be promoted on stalls, shops etc..
The idea was to make the slogans fun, create an impact and also at the same time apply directly to the drinks in ways to get the most out of their taste. Each image above shows the front of the t-shirts and the back which would have the product and brand name on it.

These show other poster designs I created as part of this project to have a range of promotional material.

Monday 14 June 2010


This is one of the first vector images I produced in Adobe Illustrator- It was for a website and was based on attitude through body language.

Pop-Art style portrait

Simple vector portrait created in Adobe Illustrator as part of a competition entry. The photograph had to be stripped down to a few lines and bold colours to get the Pop-Art style effect.

Sunday 13 June 2010

"Little Timmy's Big Imagination" children's book illustration.

This is a childrens book illustration project I did at uni. I based the story on a childs over active imagination and how the main character in this book called Timmy over imagines and gets confused to what his mum is reading to him. The illustrations were drawn by hand first then further developed in Photoshop. They are quite basic but I could probably do better now since I am more familiar with the design software. I did write and draft the illustrations for the whole book but only further developed 3 double-page spreads and the covers for it.

Working together

This illustration was produced for the Lloyds TSB "Art for nurture" competition and the theme was "working together". The concept of the illustration is very simple where a serious of characters come up with an inventive way to get across to the other side of a cliff after the bridge has collapsed by working together and supporting each other. This idea would transfer to Lloyds TSB banking in how they help and support their customers by working together with them to overcome difficulties and move forward.
p.s. Yeah i know the characters look strange- but they have good brains to make up for that.lol

Bad Brum postcard designs

These postcard are part of a project to illustrate the negative aspect of the place I live in but could be applied to many areas which have similar problems in society today. They portray the downside of an area, (in this case Birmingham aka Brum) to show some of the problems that are present including gang culture, violence, vandalism, drug dealing, binge drinking and the rising gun and knife crimes.
The dark urban look with neon-lightlike line drawings suggest a night-life atmosphere during which time these activities are most likely to take place

STOP Torture!

I produced this image as part of Amnesty international's anti-torture campaign. It illustrates the voice of every torture victims cry to stop, through a bloodied handprint. The image of the hooded victim has become a powerful image through the media so i have incorporated a silhouette style of it to my design by fusing it with the text to show what it stands for.

No more Blood for Oil

This image was based on the lyrics of the Eminem song "Mosh" during USA's invasion of Iraq. The image depicts the real intention of USA's invasion according to the song, which was to get access to Iraq's oil supply.
The illustration shows how the country has been trampled on by president Bush and blood has been shed in order for America to gain access to Iraq's oil.
The lyrics behind the image say:
"Let the president answer a higher anarchy,
Strap him with an Ak47,
Let him go, Fight his own war,
Let him impress daddy that way!
No more Blood for Oil,
We got our own battles to fight,
On our own soil!"