The brief for this project was to make the PJ's smoothie drinks brand exciting and trendy, aimed at a 16-24year old audience. I went down the route of using the healthy fruits which the drinks contain to promote the goodness of the product and how they contain 2 of your recommended 5-a-day fruits in order to give you a boost of energy.
The slogan I used was " a bottle-full of body fuel" to play on the idea of how the drink acts like a booster to energise the body. The imagery illustrates this through the way the juice bursts out of the bottle into energy-filled characters.
I thought this idea would appeal to sporty people and students within the target audience who need something refreshing as well as healthy. I also created the font of the logo in a similar style to fit in with the overall brand.

This is the first poster design I came up with. it shows 3 different flavours represented by the coloured characters for each drink.

I applied each final design to various platforms used as advertising including billboards, bus sides and bus-stops. This gives me an idea of how the final product would look in the final stages of an advertisement campaign.

I also created slogans and typography designs to be used on t-shirts in order for the drinks to be promoted on stalls, shops etc..
The idea was to make the slogans fun, create an impact and also at the same time apply directly to the drinks in ways to get the most out of their taste. Each image above shows the front of the t-shirts and the back which would have the product and brand name on it.

These show other poster designs I created as part of this project to have a range of promotional material.