Sunday 20 March 2011

The Sami and Salwa show animation

This was an animation that was to be made for a kids show on the Islam Channel about hygiene and cleanliness which was being developed by myself and two other people, (a writer/illustrator and an animator).
I produced all the final illustration and character designs after being given a brief description of them from the script writer. The illustrations had to then be passed on to the animator who put them together for the animation.
Unfortunately due to a lack of funding this project fell through and the animation was left unfinished. The animator did work on it briefly and the video above shows how the basic animation would have looked. We didn't get to do the sound stage so there won't be any sound to it- (no need to adjust your volume control, lol). we had only worked on this project for about 3-4 weeks so didn't get very far in it especially as we all had to communicate only through email and phone.
ps. don't know why the video quality is messed up at the start when uploaded here- seems fine on my PC. :p

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